Sunday, December 20, 2009

Web browsers 12in1 - AIO

Web browsers 12in1 - AIO | 138MB
Avant Browser 11.7 Build 41
Avant's features include:

* Online Profile Storage
* Autofills
* Mouse Gestures
* Flash Animation Filter
* Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker
* Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader.
* Additional Mouse Functions
* Multi-Window Browsing
* Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode
* Built-in Search Engine
* Full IE Compatibility
* Control Your Privacy
* Safe Recovery
* Skins
* Support for 41 languages

Firefox 3.6 Beta 2

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozensof new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Webbrowsing experience for all.

User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possiblebrowsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar,affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it,adapting to user preferences and offering better matches overtime.

Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Geckoplatform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.

Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware andphishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans andspyware to keep people safe on the Web.

Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Flock 2.5.5

Flock delivers the latest webmail, photos, videos and updates from yourfavorites sites, so you can stop running around. Take a load off. Enjoy.

Keep In Touch - Keep in tune with your friends and their activities. Flock makes sure you never miss a beat.

It's Cool To Share - Flock hooks it all together so you can drag and drop anything to your friends.

Make the News: Publish Yourself - Flock makes blogging and photouploading to popular services super easy. Just log in to your favoriteservice and your instantly ready to publish anything from anywhere onthe web with Flock.

Easy Access - Flock automatically connects you with over 20 of your favorite online services. Just log in. Flock does the rest.

Stay Informed and Be Heard - Flock has features you can't find in anyother browser, whether you're consuming the news or making the news.

Google Chrome Beta

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design withsophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

One box for everything

Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.

Thumbnails of your top sites

Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.

Incognito mode

Don't want pages you visit to show up in your web history? Choose incognito mode for private browsing.

Safe browsing

Google Chrome warns you if you're about to visit a suspected phishing, malware or otherwise unsafe website.

For information about alpha and developer builds, check out the Chrome dev channel here.

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Security,ease of use, and improvements in RSS, CSS, and Ajax support areMicrosoft's priorities for Internet Explorer.

The latest version of the browser includes support for:

* Accelerators - which allow supported web applications to be invoked without explicitly navigating to them.
* WebSlices - which allows portions of page to be subscribed to and monitored from a redesigned Favorites Bar.
* InPrivate privacy features.
* SmartScreen phishing filter.

K-Meleon 1.5.3

K-Meleon is an extremely fast, customizable, lightweight web browserbased on the Gecko layout engine developed by Mozilla which is alsoused by Firefox. K-Meleon is free, open source software released underthe GNU General Public License and is designed specifically forMicrosoft Windows (Win32) operating systems.

Choose your desired bookmarking system

* "Tabbed" browsing
* Mouse gestures
* Complete toolbar, menu, context menu, & keyboard shortcut customization
* Block popup windows
* Fast load time
* Easy web searching
* Themes & skins
* Macros

Maxthon Beta

Maxthon Internet Browser software is a powerful tabbed browser with ahighly customizable interface. It is based on the Internet Explorerbrowser engine (your most likely current web browser) which means thatwhat works in the IE browser will work the same in Maxthon tabbedbrowser but with many additional efficient features:

The Ultimate Out-of-box Experience

* Easy to use and powerful straight out of the box
* Download now for free, forever!

Maxthon Works the Way You Want It To

* Swap, add, move, remove, and change Maxthon's tool bars, icons,menus, colors, skins, and layouts until it looks the way you would havedesigned it.
* Don't like menus? Use hot keys, word aliases, toolbars, or mouse gestures - it's all up to you.
* Pick from more than 1,400 plug-ins that make Maxthon the do-all of browsers.
* Remote conferencing, screen capture, electronic passports, and automatic password inlcuded, free.


* Maxthon is 100% free of viruses, spyware, adware – any kind of malware.
* The built-in Ad Hunter blocks harmful, or just irritating ads, images and pages.
* Filter packs screen out offensive and irritating Web pages.


AOL stopped development of the Netscape browser in February 2008 so is no longer officially supported.

Netscape Browser provides more security options, streamlines morestandard browsing tasks and arms internet users with more timesavingsolutions to their browsing needs.

Security Center

Quickly view the status of security protection provided by the NetscapeBrowser. The browser will automatically let you know when there is aproblem.

Spyware & Adware Protection

The Netscape Browser provides real time Spyware scanning when youdownload files from the web. You may also run memory and disk scans forSpyware protection and prevention.

Real-Time Feeds

The Netscape Browser takes the mystery out of Real Simple Syndication(RSS) and allows you to read and manage RSS feeds without the need of aseparate news reader application.


Create more than one profile to keep your bookmarks and passcards safefrom other users. If you have a family, create a profile for yourchildren and make use of the parental controls feature.

Tabbed Browsing

Tabbed browsing lets you have multiple web pages open in one window.This feature is great for organizing and freeing up desktop spacebecause it files your web pages in a series of tabs.

Site Controls

The new Netscape Browser gives you more ways to make your browser secure.

Opera 10.01

A full-featured Internet browser, Opera includes pop-up blocking,tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions likeOpera's groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. Andbecause we know that our users have different needs, you can customizethe look and content of your Opera browser with a few clicks of themouse.

* Speed Dial: Your favorite sites are just one click away at all times.
* Search Shortcuts: Faster search – type your queries directly into the address bar.
* Trash Can: Instantly reopen recently closed tabs.
* Speed Dial: Get your favorite Web page with just one click.
* Mouse Gestures: With Opera you can navigate the Web with your mouse.
* Opera Link: Synchronize data of your choice online, or among different computers and devices.
* Quick Find: Opera remembers not only the titles and addresses, but also the actual content of the Web pages you visit.
* Feed Preview: Preview a Feed by clicking on the feed icon, and youwill see it in clean and efficient multiple-column layout.
* Quick and customizable Web search: Get quick access to Google, eBay,Amazon and more with the search field in the upper right corner.

Safari 4.0.4

At one time, web browsers simply got you to the Internet. But from theday it was released, Safari set the bar higher for web browsers. Itintroduced sophisticated design elements that made browsing a joy. Easyto use, Safari stayed out of your way and let you effortlessly navigatefrom site to site.

More browsing space: Safari is designed to emphasize the browsing, notthe browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scrollbar only when needed. By default, there's no status bar. Instead, aprogress indicator turns as your page loads. You'll find tabs at thevery top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewingwebsites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web.

Find the sites you need: Looking for a site you visited in the past butcan't quite remember? Use Full History Search to quickly find sitesusing even the sketchiest search terms. And when you click a web pagein Cover Flow, it's because you've already recognized it as the siteyou were looking for. No more guessing. Innovative features like theseshow you how good browsing can be.

Satisfy your need for speed: The world's fastest browser, Safari hasspeed to burn. Why should you wait for pages to load? You want to seethose search results, get the latest news, check current stock prices,right now.

SeaMonkey 2.0

SeaMonkey is a web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRCchat client, and HTML editing made simple -- all your Internet needs inone application.

* Tabbed browsing gives you a better way to surf the net. You nolonger have to open one page at a time. With tabbed browsing, openseveral pages at once with one click. Plus, your homepage can bemultiple pages, in tabs.
* Popup blocker lets you surf the web without interruption from annoying ads.
* Image Manager lets you block images to remove offensive images or speed up the rendering of web sites.
* Find as you type gives you another way to navigate a page. Just starttyping to jump from link to link or to find a word or phrase within apage.
* Plus all the features a modern browser should have including:Advanced security settings; Password, Download, and Cookie managers;Themes; multi-language and multi-platform support; and, the latest inWeb Standards.


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